absence of loss
Listing Details
Σκηνοθέτης - Director
Margarita Tokatlidou
Παραγωγός - Producer
Margarita Tokatlidou Asimina Liarmakopoulou
Χώρα / Χώρες Παραγωγής - Country of Production
Έτος Παραγωγής της Ταινίας - Year of Production of the Film
Διάρκεια σε λεπτά- Duration in minutes
Πρεμιέρα στο Φεστιβάλ (συμμετοχή για το βραβείο Πρεμιέρας)
Πρώτη Προβολή στο Φεστιβάλ - Film Premiere
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Διαλόγων - Language / Languages Dialogues
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Υποτίτλων - Subtitle Languages
Φωτογραφία Σκηνοθέτη - Directors Photo
Συντελεστές - Movie Credits Actors,photography,sound etc
Margarita Tokatlidou
Margarita Tokatlidou
Asimina Liarmakopoulou
Margarita Tokatlidou
Asimina Liarmakopoulou
George Tokatlidis
Panagos Ioakeim
Key Cast
Maxilari, Little England, Pencil Knife Baton
Ema Mavreli
Key Cast
Margarita Tokatlidou
Asimina Liarmakopoulou
Margarita Tokatlidou
Asimina Liarmakopoulou
George Tokatlidis
Panagos Ioakeim
Key Cast
Maxilari, Little England, Pencil Knife Baton
Ema Mavreli
Key Cast
Περίληψη στα (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Summary (English) up to 100 words: Και οι Ελληνικές ταινίες να εχουν περίληψη στα Ελληνιικά και Αγγλικά
Ιn an Athens of the immediate future, an alienated, young couple of failed artists is trying to survive when a war alters their
Βιογραφικό (Ελληνικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words
Βιογραφικό (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words: Και για τους Ελληνες Σκηνοθέτες
Margarita Tokatlidou is a young aspiring filmmaker born and raised in Athens, Greece, and has a Theatre Studies degree from the
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. After a long period of part-time waitressing and volunteering in multiple
theatre and film projects, Margarita has currently started working as an assistant director and has just completed her
first non-student short film, “Absence of Loss”. Her thesis was on “The Killing Game”, a play written by Romanian-French
playwright Eugène Ionesco, which was presented in two theatre festivals in Greece. Margarita’s true love, though, has always
been film. She remembers watching two or three films a day growing up and never realised, until her university years, that film
and directing was her true passion. Her work in the past helped her to study people and gave her an inspiration or two.
Margarita’s dream is to one day direct a film that will touch people, like all the films she still loves.
Director Statement
I was reading “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, after I had just quit my job as a waitress trying to do “my work” as said in the book, in order to make it as a filmmaker. My husband is also an artist and we both had trouble coming with terms with the fact that making a living out of our art is very unlikely and our “real jobs” got always in the way. And then the thought that a real war could act not only as an obstacle (resistance) but also as catalyst making people stop worrying about everyday problems like what to eat or what to wear and all those things that lead to procrastination couldn’t escape my mind. So we created an artificial world and let things unfold themselves. And thats the story of "Absence of Loss".
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. After a long period of part-time waitressing and volunteering in multiple
theatre and film projects, Margarita has currently started working as an assistant director and has just completed her
first non-student short film, “Absence of Loss”. Her thesis was on “The Killing Game”, a play written by Romanian-French
playwright Eugène Ionesco, which was presented in two theatre festivals in Greece. Margarita’s true love, though, has always
been film. She remembers watching two or three films a day growing up and never realised, until her university years, that film
and directing was her true passion. Her work in the past helped her to study people and gave her an inspiration or two.
Margarita’s dream is to one day direct a film that will touch people, like all the films she still loves.
Director Statement
I was reading “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, after I had just quit my job as a waitress trying to do “my work” as said in the book, in order to make it as a filmmaker. My husband is also an artist and we both had trouble coming with terms with the fact that making a living out of our art is very unlikely and our “real jobs” got always in the way. And then the thought that a real war could act not only as an obstacle (resistance) but also as catalyst making people stop worrying about everyday problems like what to eat or what to wear and all those things that lead to procrastination couldn’t escape my mind. So we created an artificial world and let things unfold themselves. And thats the story of "Absence of Loss".