ya wooto (that's just how it is)
Listing Details
Σκηνοθέτης - Director
Jenny Cartwright
Παραγωγός - Producer
Jenny Cartwright
Χώρα / Χώρες Παραγωγής - Country of Production
Canada / Burkina Faso
Έτος Παραγωγής της Ταινίας - Year of Production of the Film
Διάρκεια σε λεπτά- Duration in minutes
Προηγούμενες προβολές σε φεστιβάλ- Βραβεία - previous screenings at festival -Awards
Northside DIY Film Competition, June 16th, 2014, New York, USA
Cebu International Documentary Film Festival, August 28th-29th, 2014, Philippines
No Gloss Film Festival, October 11th, 2014, Leeds, UK
Cebu International Documentary Film Festival, August 28th-29th, 2014, Philippines
No Gloss Film Festival, October 11th, 2014, Leeds, UK
Πρώτη Προβολή στο Φεστιβάλ - Film Premiere
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Διαλόγων - Language / Languages Dialogues
French and Mooré
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Υποτίτλων - Subtitle Languages
Φωτογραφία Σκηνοθέτη - Directors Photo
Συντελεστές - Movie Credits Actors,photography,sound etc
please see attached press kit
Περίληψη στα (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Summary (English) up to 100 words: Και οι Ελληνικές ταινίες να εχουν περίληψη στα Ελληνιικά και Αγγλικά
Sylvain is trying to make it in Ouagadougou, one of the world’s poorest places. He found a job in a "buvette" owned by Hortense, a policewoman trying to make ends meet. All he has in mind is saving up enough money to get his driver’s license.
Βιογραφικό (Ελληνικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words
Jenny Cartwright started shooting, somewhat by accident, her first movie as a director while working as a humanitarian volunteer in Ouagadougou.
Used to working with limited resources, it is no coincidence the film was shot in true DIY fashion: Jenny is a punk.
Used to working with limited resources, it is no coincidence the film was shot in true DIY fashion: Jenny is a punk.
Βιογραφικό (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words: Και για τους Ελληνες Σκηνοθέτες
Jenny Cartwright started shooting, somewhat by accident, her first movie as a director while working as a humanitarian volunteer in Ouagadougou.
Used to working with limited resources, it is no coincidence the film was shot in true DIY fashion: Jenny is a punk.
Used to working with limited resources, it is no coincidence the film was shot in true DIY fashion: Jenny is a punk.