The 7th International Digital Film Festival of Athens closed the curtains with a successful Ceremony

aidff1enThis year's event has reached its peak after giving the audience the opportunity to watch more than 100 films from 30 countries among which 30, in the competitive section, had their Premiere in Greece .The festival includes all categories of New Cinema, Short and Fiction, Video Art, Video Dance, Experimental, Short and Feature Documentaries.The International Digital Film Festival of Athens has achieved an alignment with the modern cinematic reality and the major international developments in cinema.
A special moment during the closing ceremony was when the popular was awarded for her work. A special video art was created by Thanasis aidff2enPanou especially for the occasion. Lena Platonos moved the audience with her words and love, giving once again lessons of solidarity and humanity.
A great tribute to New German Cinema was presented during the Festival including twenty films that have been premiered and awarded at the biggest film festivals in the world. New German Cinema has shown, during the last years, a strong cultural presence in Europe. A unity spirit full of fresh ideas, embraced all film genres and created a new generation of directors that despite living in various parts of the world they keep producing their films in Germany. The Tribute took place in collaboration with the largest production companies in Munich and Berlin.
A special tribute to Research & Innovation, including panel discussions and workshops by scientists and film professionals, took place at Studio New Star Art Cinema. Viewers, young and old, had the opportunity to watch high-quality films and immerse themselves in the core of innovative thinking, in the invisible workshop that hides in the scientints’ mind, and get to know pioneers and people who dared to implement innovative ideas changing the life of entire societies.
aidff3enThe tribute “RESEARCH AND INNOVATION” was implemented through the Operational Program "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning" and was co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek state. Its co-funded projects deal mostly with the improvement of education and employment in Greece. Its main targets relate to the development and promotion of human resources skills, activities against unemployment, strengthen social cohesion and social inclusion of vulnerable social groups, improvement of the quality of education & lifelong learning, awareness on environmental education, linking education with the labor market. 
The film tribute had free admission and it was accessible to disabled people. 
Both filmmakers and people from the general audience had the opportunity to watch an interesting lecture titled Science and Prosperity: Parallel Streets and a creative discussion about the Role Of Film Festivals and about the Possibility Of Spreading Science Through The Power Of New Audiovisual Media And Digital Technologies Currently Used By Scientists Around The World. At the same time they could actively participate in the discussion about film production and distribution in the Digital Age.

aidff4enAs usual, students from Edge Hill University produced a number of films which had their Premiere Screening in Greece. Due to this collaboration between the Festival and Edge Hill University, an exchange of knowledge and know-how techniques is happening. Coventry University, partner of the festival, will feature a big part of the festival in England during the upcoming year.

The Festival was supported and honored by the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Culture and the City of Athens/Opanda. The President of the Greek Directors’ Guild, numerous actors, directors, artists, technicians were present. The charming actress Lysandra Anastasopoulou presented the awards.

The Festival is under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and has the support of the City of Athens/OPANDA.

The festival is organized by KOYINTA and Tickets Tickets and has partners and cultural correspondents in many cities in Greece and in various countries of the world.
Honorary Distinctions / Τιμητικές Διακρίσεις
Τιμητική διάκριση Ευγενίας Χατζίκου στην ταινία Έλλη  του Μιλτιάδη Χρηστίδη
“Evgenia Xatzikou”  Honorary Distinction for the film “Ellie”, directed by Miltiadis Christidis 
Τιμητική Διάκριση στην ταινία Μαμά Γύρισα του Δημήτρη Κατσιμίρη
Honorary Distinction for the film Mom Ι' m Back, directed by Dimitris Katsimiris
Τιμητική Διάκριση στο ντοκιμαντέρ Jean της Τζούλιας  Σπυροπούλου
Honorary Distinction for the documentary Jean, directed by Julia D. Speropoulos
Τιμητική Διάκριση στην ταινία Καληνύχτα του Θάνου Κερμίτση
Honorary Distinction for the movie Kalinixta, directed by Thanos Kermitsis
Τιμητική Διάκριση στην πειραματική ταινία ΒΟΥΣ της Πάρη Αντωνίου
Honorary Distinction for the experimental film VOUS, directed by Pari Antoniou
New Directors Award -Βραβείο Νέοι Σκηνοθέτες
Τα γεμιστά του Γιάννη Μπλέτα  / Salted, by Giannis Bletas
Humphrey του Στέφανου Γκέκα / Humphrey by Stefanos Gekas
Awards Fiction Section -Βραβεία Μυθοπλασίας
Βραβείο Σκηνογραφίας Ενδυματολογίας στην Μαρία Καραθάνου για την ταινία Maniera Greca του Κυρηναίου Παπαδημάτου
Stage Design Award to Maria Karathanou for the film Maniera Greca, directed by Kirineos Papadimatos
Βραβείο μουσικής σύνθεσης στον Γιάννη Βάρδα για την ταινία Γείτονες της Κωνσταντίνας Πάλλη
Music Composition Award to Yannis Vardas for the the film Neighbors, directed by Konstantina Palli
Βραβείο Φωτογραφίας στον Πέτρο Αντωνιάδη για την ταινία Heimlich του Κώστα Μπακούρη
Photography Award goes to Petros Antoniadis for the film Heimlich directed by Kostas Bakouris 
Βραβείο Αντρικής Ερμηνείας στον Μάκη Παπαδημητρίου για την ταινία Heimlich του Κώστα Μπακούρη
Best Actor Award goes to the actor Makis Papadimitriou for the film Heimlich directed by Kostas Bakouris
Βραβείο γυναικείας ερμηνείας στην Δήμητρα Σύρου για την ταινία το Εισιτήριο Χάρης Σταθόπουλος
Best Actress Award to the actress Dimitra Syrou for the film The Ticket directed by Xaris Stathopoulos
Βραβείο Σκηνοθεσίας στον Χάρη Σταθόπουλο για την ταινία το Εισιτήριο
Best Direction Award goes to the director Xaris Stathopoulos for the film The Ticket

Animation Award -Βραβείο Animation
Βραβείο animation στην ταινία ΤΟΚΕΙ ΜΑΡΟΥ του Ζάχου Σαμολαδά
Animation Award for the film TOKEI MARU directed by Zahos Samoladas

Documentary Awards-Βραβεία Ντοκιμαντέρ
Θυμάμαι  του Μενέλαου Κυρλίδη
I Remember, directed by  Menelaos Kyrlidis
Feeling Of A Home από τους Μιχάλη Καστανίδη / Ηώ Χαβιαρά
Feeling Of A Home, directed by   Michalis Kastanidis/Io Chaviara
Audience award -Βραβείο Κοινού
ΑΡΕΝΑ, Μπέττυ Γκουντάνη Γεώργιος Δεϊρμεντζόγλου
ARENA, directed by Betty Gkountani- Georgios Deirmentzoglou
International Awards Fiction - Βραβεία Διαγωνιστικό Διεθνές Τμήμα μυθοπλασίας
1ο Βραβείο καλύτερης ταινίας   BLIND LETTERS (CARTAS CIEGAS)  του Ángel Jaquem από την Ισπανία
1st Best Movie Award goes to BLIND LETTERS (CARTAS CIEGAS), directed by Ángel Jaquem from Spain
2ο Βραβείο καλύτερης ταινίας  The winkles της σκηνοθέτιδας  Alice Vial από την Γαλλία
2ond Best Movie Award goes to The winkles , directed by Alice Vial from the France
3ο Βραβείο Kαλύτερης Ταινίας στην ταινία Scrappy από την σκηνοθέτιδα  Dawn Westlake από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες
3rd Best Movie Award goes to the Scrappy,  directed by Dawn Westlake from USA
Best Documentary -Καλύτερο Ντοκιμαντέρ
Pro Shamiram της σκηνοθέτιδας Mariam Ohanyan από την Αρμενία
Pro Shamiram, directed by  Mariam Ohanyan from Armenia