Aladdin and the Magic Bin
Listing Details
Ελληνικός Τίτλος - If the movie is from Greece else fill the English title
Aladin i carobna kanta
Σκηνοθέτης - Director
Zikica Jovanovic
Παραγωγός - Producer
Vladan Milurinovic
Χώρα / Χώρες Παραγωγής - Country of Production
Έτος Παραγωγής της Ταινίας - Year of Production of the Film
Διάρκεια σε λεπτά- Duration in minutes
Προηγούμενες προβολές σε φεστιβάλ- Βραβεία - previous screenings at festival -Awards
Cine'Eco Seia Portugal, Filmambiente Rio de Janeiro Brasil, EkoTopFilm Festival Bratislava Slovakia, Filmvorfuehrliste Golden Diana Austria, West Florida Film Festival USA, Autumn Shorts Film Festival Somerset USA, Fuencaliente Rural Film Fest Spain, MM Making USA, Cine pobre Mexico City Mexico, Sisak Eko Film Festival Croatia, Fer Film Festival Urosevac Kosovo, Balkan Film Food Festival Pogradec Albania, International Festival of Local Television Slovakia, Arch1 Film Festival London England, International Smartphone Film Festival Spain, Tuzla Film Festival BIH, Dani Dobrog Filma Kikinda Serbia
Συμμετοχές και βραβεία σε άλλα φεστιβάλ - Film Screenings awards
Diana in Bronze, Austria
Πρώτη Προβολή στο Φεστιβάλ - Film Premiere
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Διαλόγων - Language / Languages Dialogues
Γλώσσα / Γλώσσες Υποτίτλων - Subtitle Languages
Φωτογραφία Σκηνοθέτη - Directors Photo
Συντελεστές - Movie Credits Actors,photography,sound etc
photography - Vojkan Arandjelovic
music - Ivica Trailovic
music - Ivica Trailovic
Περίληψη (Ελληνικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Summary (English) up to 100 words: Fill it If the movie is from Greece
More than 20 years,every morning Aladdin is cleaning his city. With the help of his broom and a bin which are magical he cleans the garbage and does not feel tired. The film aims to rise awareness about the environment.
Περίληψη στα (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Summary (English) up to 100 words: Και οι Ελληνικές ταινίες να εχουν περίληψη στα Ελληνιικά και Αγγλικά
More than 20 years,every morning Aladdin is cleaning his city. With the help of his broom and a bin which are magical he cleans the garbage and does not feel tired. The film aims to rise awareness about the environment.
Βιογραφικό (Ελληνικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words
Zikica Jovanovic, born on July 7,1982 in Prokuplje, Serbia. He is an economist by profession. From 1999 to 2004 he worked for television Grk in editing and directing. There he participated in the making of numerous features, reports, and shows. He is author of several short films which were screened and award at international festivals. He has finished TV b92 school of journalism.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars.
Βιογραφικό (Αγγλικά) μέχρι 100 λέξεις - Curriculum Vitae (English) up to 100 words: Και για τους Ελληνες Σκηνοθέτες
Zikica Jovanovic, born on July 7,1982 in Prokuplje, Serbia. HeZikica Jovanovic, born on July 7,1982 in Prokuplje, Serbia. He is an economist by profession. From 1999 to 2004 he worked for television Grk in editing and directing. There he participated in the making of numerous features, reports, and shows. He is author of several short films which were screened and award at international festivals. He has finished TV b92 school of journalism.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars. is an economist by profession. From 1999 to 2004 he worked for television Grk in editing and directing. There he participated in the making of numerous features, reports, and shows. He is author of several short films which were screened and award at international festivals. He has finished TV b92 school of journalism.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars. is an economist by profession. From 1999 to 2004 he worked for television Grk in editing and directing. There he participated in the making of numerous features, reports, and shows. He is author of several short films which were screened and award at international festivals. He has finished TV b92 school of journalism.
He is currently employed at Grand Prom company and film is his hobby. He is a member of MENSA, and he used to be a member and president of a few non governmental organizations, with which he attended numerous seminars.